
How my anxiety began

How my anxiety began I remember it well, it was 1998, I was doing my A levels at King Edward College. I wasn’t particularly enjoying it there due to the very strict conservative regime that demanded academic excellence. I remember clearly one day during an Economics class answering a question and midsentence I stopped. I […]

Things That Can Make Anxiety Far Worse

Things That Can Make Anxiety Far Worse Anxiety is an extremely deliberating condition that must be addresses as a matter of urgency. People who suffer from anxiety are often in a confused state of mind, and are at odds with what is wrong with them and how to go about providing a solution to their […]

Top 10 Signs That You Have Anxiety

Top 10 Signs That You Have Anxiety Anxiety is a normal part of everyday life. For example, we may feel anxious on a first date, during an interview or when speaking in public. For some people though anxiety takes over their lives to the extent that they almost always feel anxious to a greater or […]

What is Anxiety

What is Anxiety Anxiety to those who don’t suffer from it can be difficult to define and comprehend by those who do not suffer from it. Often people who don’t suffer from anxiety get irritated, frustrated and angry with anxious people, as if the anxious person is an attention seeker and ‘putting it on’. Often […]

How my anxiety caused problems for my dating life

How my anxiety caused problems for my dating life Dating for most people can be very daunting, particularly if you are meeting people off the internet that you have never met before. Having some pre-date nerves are inevitable, for people who have an anxiety disorder dating is infinitely more difficult. I remember before I met […]

How anxiety caused problems academically

How anxiety caused problems academically My problems with anxiety really began for me when I started high school. Up until this point I never experienced bullying previously in any form at primary school, I had always worked hard at primary school and got on well with my class mates, who were pleased to see me […]